Poetry seems to access emotions through words. Poetry moves language beyond its daily use, shifting it beyond itself to the language of emotion. Much like music and art, poetry speaks to us in a direct and most personal way. I originally wrote this poem in Spanish, years ago. Here it is below, in both English and Spanish…
They say the unsaid
embeds itself in the heart
and rots it from within
The word unheard
turns against itself
strangling the speaker.
They say that the not done
embeds itself in memory
destroying all possibility
The act that is not risked
becomes the torture of each moment
And little by little
erodes time
They say that breathing
does not constitute living
Life is made
Of what is said and done
Only thus can the heart beat.
Dicen que lo no dicho
se embede en el corazón
y lo pudre desde adentro
La palabra no escuchada
se vuelve contra si misma
estrangulando al autor
Dicen que lo no hecho
se embede en la memoria
destrozando toda posibilidad
El acto no arriesgado
se vuelve la tortura de cada momento
Y poco a poco
erosiona el tiempo
24 horas sobre 24
Dicen que el respiro
no constituye vivir
La vida esta hecha
de lo dicho y hecho
Solo así puede latir el corazón
Beautifully said (and unsaid)!
Most beautifully and eloquently said in any language, Dr.V. The language of the soul.
Thank you!!!!!!