May 23, 2011

After I finished reading the Sunday New York Times article on the feminization of psychotherapy (click the following – Need Therapy? A Good Man is Hard To Find), I was once again reminded of how wedded we have become, particularly in America, to the idea of equality. Don’t get me wrong, we have had to work […]

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May 9, 2011

I have been thinking about lying, and particularly, about lying on the couch, and the possibilities of why, anyone undergoing psychoanalysis or psychotherapy might be moved to not tell the truth. Therapy is, after all, a way of understanding oneself and ones’ personal history or personal truths. So at first blush, it makes no sense […]

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April 25, 2011

Really? Yes. Or as physical as one can get in a blog, and as a psychoanalyst. Lets talk about bodies. Our bodies. How they speak and what they say. This is an area that has been largely ignored, or relegated to second place in psychoanalysis. Mostly, because as psychotherapists we have grown more comfortable with […]

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Tic-Tac-Tic-Tac: On TIME.

April 11, 2011

While talking with a patient about her sense that she never has enough time to do what she wants to do, she told me the following story. She had heard an interview with the actress Laura Linney on NPR, in which she was talking about having three weeks to rehearse her role in a play, […]

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March 28, 2011

  Much of the psychotherapeutic hour is based on dialogue. On putting our experience into words, as an attempt to communicate to another what has happened, what we feel, what we remember. The interchange that ensues in each clinical hour is particular to the experience of each patient and their analysts’ experience of them. Each […]

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March 6, 2011

Several weeks ago I wrote a blog about language and its limitations. I was essentially addressing the area of our experience that is not language bound, or if it is, it is bound to a language of affective experience and emotion, which cannot be captured in words, and often, disrupts logic and our sense of […]

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I DO I DO! On relationships and commitment.

February 20, 2011

What does it mean to make a commitment to another, to be in an intimate  relationship with another? Beyond the vows that we make, the intentions that we have in our heart, the passion and attachment that we may feel, what is commitment really about? Our culture tells us that relationship and commitment are something […]

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February 6, 2011

We are inclined to move, to think on our feet, to react, to keep pace with the world around us. We are invited to multi-task, a word that did not join the English dictionary and vocabulary until recently (at least not as related to human activity) to accommodate our cultural need to do. And to […]

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ON DREAMS – And Making Movies.

January 23, 2011

Dreams are a type of self- communication. In some cultures, they are a communication from unknown parts of the universe, and as such they are shared in town meetings and included in community decisions. The Raramundi of Northern Mexico plan their sleeping arrangements to facilitate waking and discussing their dreams. The Ashanti of West Africa, […]

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ON BOUNDARIES – And Internal Architecture.

January 10, 2011

Boundaries are something that we do not often think about, at least not consciously, until we find ourselves in an uncomfortable situation, usually an interpersonal one. Yet, it is boundaries that provide us with a sense of personal safety. Boundaries delineate where we stop and another begins. Think of it as a geographical frontier: a […]

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