Category: Psychotherapy


When President Barack Obama was elected, there was dancing in the streets of many cities – in my city of New York, people stayed up late into the night celebrating his victory. I remember the following morning, across the ocean, in the United Kingdom, getting my coffee at the nearby shop, where an English lad […]

SECOND HAND SMOKE: Mirror Neurons and their reflections.

The first time I read about mirror neurons I felt great excitement. Here, finally, was a scientific team of researchers ( 2007-Giacomo Rizzolatti, Corrado Sinigaglia, Frances Anderson) confirming that we are relational beings, that we read each other automatically, unconsciously and at the neurological level. Wow. Science catching up to psychoanalytic theory, Freud would be […]


Last week I wrote about the fact that our experience is discontinuous in nature. I also said that despite the fact that we experience ourselves as one, unitary being, we actually have many self-states or self configurations which help us along, are not always in our awareness, and are often dissociated. Then, a patient who read […]

ON THE NATURE OF OBSESSION – And The Occupation Of Our Minds.

  Years ago, during a weeklong yoga & meditation retreat for weary city dwellers, my teacher, Rodney Yee, told us the following story in an effort to help us focus and clear our minds. Two Buddhist monks complete their initial training and are ready to travel through the country to practice what they have learned. […]

ON DEPRESSION – and the myth of the high functioning depressive.

  “So you still don’t think I am a high functioning depressive?” my patient asks me this half smiling, she knows my answer, and more importantly, she knows first hand that there is no such thing as “high functioning” when one suffers from depression. Depression is an illness. A life threatening illness. It is not […]

WHAT’S THE USE OF TALKING ABOUT IT? The Talking Cure- and why it works.

  Ever wonder why you have a running conversation with yourself? Why you talk to yourself on a more or less constant basis? Sometimes over trivial matters like what to fix for dinner , or what to wear, and sometimes over more serious subjects, like what to do about your job, or your partner, or […]