Category: Spirituality

ON MINDFULNESS – and minding your p’s and q’s.

Mindfulness is a term that gets used a lot these days, despite the fact that it has been around for centuries. Eastern thought, primarily Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism, and meditative disciplines have always had the concept of mindfulness at their core. The idea of mindfulness has entered western ideas through the world of spirituality and […]

PLAY IT AGAIN SAM: On the compulsion to repeat.

There is a Buddhist belief that people come into our life so that we may learn something and/or work through something that we need to resolve before we can move on.  Thus everyone in our lives is a potential teacher, involving us in a relationship with the very thing that we have to work out. […]


It has occurred to me that all of us speak in many tongues. There is our everyday language, how we speak to others in the course of our day. There is our professional language, for me, the language of psychoanalysis that I share with colleagues and patients. There is the language of emotions, dense with […]


During the second World War, the English peadiatrician and psychoanalyst Donald W. Winnicott spoke regularly to thousands of young mothers on his radio show about solo parenting and mothering, as most of the United Kingdom’s men were otherwise engaged.  Winnicott brought his experience as a peadiatrician into his analytic thinking, and is responsible for many […]

ON THE NATURE OF OBSESSION – And The Occupation Of Our Minds.

  Years ago, during a weeklong yoga & meditation retreat for weary city dwellers, my teacher, Rodney Yee, told us the following story in an effort to help us focus and clear our minds. Two Buddhist monks complete their initial training and are ready to travel through the country to practice what they have learned. […]