Tag: mind/body connection

HE SAID, SHE DID: A return to gender stereotypes or the recipe for gender fluidity?

He leads, she follows. This is the simple truth of tango. Because of this, many have the misconception that tango is a man’s dance. But this is not true. Tango is a dance of equals – different and equal. Read on, you’ll see. Tango, the music and the dance, was borne with the European immigration […]


  Memory is one of those concepts that has been studied for centuries and has spawned multiple theories about what it is and how it operates. In psychology we think about memory functionally: in terms of how it operates and what it does. Hence, there are various types of memory whose name describe its function. […]

SECOND HAND SMOKE: Mirror Neurons and their reflections.

The first time I read about mirror neurons I felt great excitement. Here, finally, was a scientific team of researchers ( 2007-Giacomo Rizzolatti, Corrado Sinigaglia, Frances Anderson) confirming that we are relational beings, that we read each other automatically, unconsciously and at the neurological level. Wow. Science catching up to psychoanalytic theory, Freud would be […]

PSYCHE AND SOMA – A Developmental Tale.

When Psyche was very young, it was all about Soma. Psyche would find herself empty and uncomfortable, and Soma would writhe and cry until that emptiness was filled. Psyche would loose herself in the colors and shapes around her, and Soma would flip on his side, or play with his toes, or suck on them. […]